
Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Sentence Structure and Persons (3rd Part)

Good morning everyone, :) 
We say anything in a sentence and this is the formal way. A sentence normally starts with the subject. In my previous posts I have discussed about it. 
In a sentence we say anything about subject. For example,
The rose is red. 
Here, we are talking about rose. So, rose is the subject here. Now, think about subject. 

Subjects have three types of persons. It's very easy, and I think you know about it. These 3 types of persons are ---
1st person: I, we
2nd person: you
3rd person: he, she, it etc.

1st person : when you are a speaker, then you are the 1st person. Remember, 1st persons are I and we. As I am writing the post, I am the 1st person here.

2nd person : So, who are the 2nd persons? In a conversation the listeners are the 2nd persons. As I am writing here, I am the 1st person, and you are reading it, so you are the second person. Remember, second person is only 'you'.

3rd person : Those who are not present as a listener are the 3rd person. So, people who are not reading my posts must be the 3rd person here.

So, remember that 'I' and we' are the 1st person, 'you' are the 2nd person, the rest of the people and substances are the third persons.

You see I am the 1st person in my post. You may be sad for this. OK, you can also be a 1st person. If you write anything in the comment here, you will be a 1st person. So, person revolves. When you say something to me, you are 1st person and when I say, it's 'I'.
So, be a first person commenting here. I have a question to you. Answer it please.

If you go to a restaurant with your girlfriend and say her, I like you <3 <3

then who will be the 1st, 2nd and 3rd persons???

Thank you. :)

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